Why do Physio's need S&C


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PUBLISERT 13.11.2023

Becoming the PhysioCoach: Strength and Conditioning for Clinicians: Why do Physio's need S&C

1. Strength & Conditioning: What’s in it for me? Becoming a PhysioCoach In this first module, you will understand the why behind the concept of becoming a coach (versus a therapist). This covers the essential communication skills of coaching and why this is so important to optimize treatment outcomes. By the end of this module, the PhysioCoach concept will seem the most obvious solution to the deficits and disengagement that often follow inadequate rehabilitation.


Denne diskusjonen er kun for medlemmer.

Få tilgang til alt for kun kr. 129,- per måned.


1. S&C course intro 11:02
5. Energy Systems 2:04:53
6. Needs Analysis 1:34:43
7. Periodisation 1:56:21
8. Programming 2:18:49
9. Exercise Selection 2:29:32
10. The Rehab Continuum 2:13:13

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