Ina Diener: Making sense of Contemporary Manual Therapy


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PUBLISERT 12.09.2022

Making Sense of Contemporary Manual Therapy: Ina Diener: Making sense of Contemporary Manual Therapy

Making sense of Contemporary Manual Therapy

In the lecture, Ina refers to the development of manual therapy in the physiotherapy profession and how it has evolved in recent years.

She addresses the founded and unfounded points of critique and describes the value of manual therapy when applied in a biopsychosocial framework of a strong patient alliance, effective clinical communication, and person-centered care when combined with pain neuroscience communication and applicable exercise/activity.

At the end of the lecture, listeners should have insight into

· Development of manual therapy as a modality in physiotherapy, and the mechanism of effect

· Critique that is unfounded, and should be defended with evidence-based information

· Critique that is founded, and should be addressed by physiotherapists using manual therapy as a modality

· The ideal framework within which manual therapy could contribute to musculoskeletal health outcomes


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