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PUBLISERT 12.02.2022

Communication for Behavior Change: Introduction

Lecture on communication for behaviour change

For your patients to get better, they often need to make an effort themselves. Be more active, do the rehabilitation exercises, eat healthier or other types of health behaviour. The way you talk to your patients, can greatly increase the chance of them being successful. In this lecture, you learn how to do it!

Learning points

You learn an easy and practical model of human motivation, and how you can use Motivational Interviewing (MI) to help your patients with behaviour change. MI Is the best evidence-based approach for helping patients change health behaviour.

After an introduction to the principles of MI, you get several examples on how to use communication skills like open questions, reflections and summarizing. Then you learn how to use practical tools like decisional balance, scaling questions and agenda mapping to help your patients explore and increase their motivation for change.


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