Achilles tendinopathy assessment, diagnosis and management top tips


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PUBLISERT 12.04.2022

Achilles Tendinopathy: Achilles tendinopathy assessment, diagnosis and management top tips

This lecture described the fundamental principles of Achilles tendinopathy assessment. This is achieved through the perspective of Achilles tendon structure and function relationships and current understanding of pain and pathophysiology. The exercise evidence base is succinctly synthesised prior to step-by-step discussion of key characteristics of a successful rehabilitation and education program for this condition.

This lecture described the fundamental principles of Achilles tendinopathy assessment. This is achieved through the perspective of Achilles tendon structure and function relationships and current understanding of pain and pathophysiology. The exercise evidence base is succinctly synthesised prior to step-by-step discussion of key characteristics of a successful rehabilitation and education program for this condition.


-Learning points

  • Develop a process for assessing load tolerance for Achilles tendinopathy
  • Define the key steps in diagnosing Achilles tendinopathy
  • Discuss the structure and function of the Achilles tendon
  • Discuss appropriate physical function tests to utilise in Achilles tendinopathy
  • Summarise the exercise evidence base for Achilles tendinopathy
  • Plan and implement a staged and criteria based approach to rehabilitation
  • Discuss how education and load management may be implemented for people with Achilles tendinopathy


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