Rheumatology Red Flags


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PUBLISERT 12.01.2023

Rheumatology Red Flags Rheumatology Red Flags

In this lecture, we're going to look at what constitutes a rheumatology red flag and how we clinically reason our way through recognizing those red flags and what to do about them.
We will discuss inflammatory symptoms as well as different systemic symptoms that we might see, or other systemic comorbidities as well.
We will look at different types of arthropathies, connective tissue disorders, inflammation, and what inflammation looks like.

Learning objectives:
-Understand what constitutes a Rheumatology Red Flag
-Build a clinical reasoning process around identifying red flags 
-Recognizing Rheumatology conditions such as RA, Ankylosing Spondylarthritis, Lupus, and more.

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